<-- This used to be Daddy's
favorite cushion, but it seems to have been taken over.
Once again, they're supposed to be eating, but it's more fun to play with
Daddy. --> |


<-- Their first venture outside -- or at
least the first time I was around to see. The puppies always love to
play in the liriope patch.
Daddy playing with Sister while Brother is off playing with a squeaky toy. --> |


<-- Mommy and Daddy are
beating up on Sister while Brother looks on -- probably thinking that he
won't do whatever she must have done.
It looked like so much fun that he decided to join in. --> |


<-- Mommy and Daddy went off to do
something else, so Sister is getting even with Brother.
Daddy is playing "hide and seek" with Brother. (I think
Brother knows where he is hiding) ---> |


<-- People wonder why I never watch much
TV. It seems pretty obvious to me. --> |


<-- Again, they're supposed to be eating.
Instead, they're playing while Daddy watches.
This was to have been a really nice picture of Sister and Brandy. I
guess I forgot to tell Sister. ---> |


<--- Puppies love to chew on
things. Brother has found something really neat to chew.
Unfortunately, his fun didn't last long!
Playtime is over and time for a nap. This really is a sweet
picture. ---> |


<--- These are "shop
dogs." This is their favorite place to sleep in the shop --
even while the lathe is running. Doesn't bother them a bit.
A pile of wood shavings is a pretty good place to stop for a meal. ---> |


<--- Daddy thought he was hiding in the
rag box, but Brother found him.
This is part of the reason I can't get them to eat their gruel. They
seem to like to eat their parents' food. ---> |

<-- Mommy's days of hiding in the
rag box are over.
But she does get a little extra hug. ---> |


<-- I think she actually enjoys the
company --> |


<-- The kids are still trying to nurse,
but Brandy is not cooperating.
This is a cute picture, but what preceded it was cuter. Sister tried
to nurse and Brandy scolded her. She ran right over to her Daddy and
snuggled up next to him. [Daughters do that. :-) ] --> |


<-- Daddy and daughter.
The kids are enjoying their gruel. --> |


<-- Think Brother will ever learn to
Taking pictures of the pups outside is difficult because they're always at
my feet -- so, I just took a picture of my feet. --> |


<-- Looks like they're practicing their
"I Can Fly" routine.
Easy to tell where Brother gets his good looks,
huh? Look closely and you will see Sister in there, too. --> |


<-- The cushion seems to be getting a
little small for the pack.
Dad is babysitting the kids. --> |
