Puppy Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  6, 7, 8, 9

It's Nov 21st, and nobody has called about the puppies yet.  Maybe I should think about running an ad or something like that.  I think they have good classified rates in Seattle, maybe London.

It really is time for them to go.  They're getting too darned smart.  Last night I was enjoying a pizza at the coffee table and watching TV.  Jasmine walked right over in front of the TV and went potty.  She even looked right at me while she was doing it.  I grabbed a paper towel and went over to clean up after her.  When I looked back, Sable and Big Sister were up on the cushions eating my pizza.  My camera wasn't handy, and if I had gone to get it, I wouldn't have had any dinner left.  

Are they that smart?  Was that a plot designed to distract me while they sampled my pizza?  Are they planning to take turns -- who goes potty and who gets to eat my dinner?  Yep.  They've been around too long.  

<--  Mom is sharing a toy with the kids.

I guess they just don't have enough toys -- it seems they all want to play with the pink piggy. -->

<--  I usually have my dinner here at this coffee table.  Cinnamon is waiting for me to serve her something. 

 They are almost too big for the "end table game"  -- it's gettin' kinda hard for them to scrunch under there. -->

<--  As usual, Sassy is the first one to retire from play and enjoy a little nap by the fire.

Cinnamon joins her.  -->

<-- Dad and the girls (well, some of them) enjoying the fire.  Jasmine doesn't want to be part of the group.

Neither does Big Sister.  She is over here by Mommy.  -->

<-- Cinnamon and Big Sister decide to disturb Jasmine's nap by moving her off the hearth.

They are doing a pretty good job of moving her, but don't seem to be disturbing her nap one bit.  --> 

<-- Cinnamon finally looks at her as if to say, "Wow, you really sleep soundly!"

Then leaves her alone and joins her sisters by the fire.  -->

<--  Big Sister and Sassy sharing a toy.  As you can see, the poor, little deprived children don't have many toys to play with,

 So, Big Sis goes to the toy box to get more.  -->

<--  I'm not sure just what is going on among Dad, Mom and Jasmine, but it certainly astonished Sassy who is looking on.

 Mom is teaching Jasmine how to share -- an important lesson for a little girl.  -->

Well, they are almost six weeks old now [ :-) ], so I finally had to run an ad -- this time in the Atlanta paper.  They will be going on to their new homes and families.  You can say "Goodbye" to them on Page 9.