10/14/02 - Weighed the puppies
today. May be the last time -- they're getting too big for the
Coco =
3 lb, 0 oz. Li'l
Bit =
2 lb. 0 oz. Black Girl =
3 lb, 1 oz.
Black Boy #1 = 2 lb, 15
oz. Black Boy #2 = 2 lb,
12 oz. |
<-- The big day has come and the kids are
ready to venture outside. Brandy always finds it necessary to offer
a litle advice -- meanwhile, Li'l Bit is back there looking over the
Not to be left behind for long, she is out and
about and ready to explore the world. -->
<-- Brandy really isn't feed the kids
much anymore, except when she is feeling a little uncomfortable. On
those occasions, the kids tend to get a little goofy. If you don't
think so, check out the picture on the right. --> |
<-- Dad enjoyed their outing for a while,
then retreated up on the deck. So far, this is all they can do about
it. --> |
<-- Brandy gets excited when the kids are
outside and teaches them how to play.
My walkway is already in bad shape; this is not
the kind of help I need. -->
<-- Yep, they're all there -- if you can
find them.
Brother is enjoying the outside. --->
<-- While Dad looks on from the safety of
the deck. This is one of the best pictures of Baron in some time.
"Exuberance" seems to be a good word to
describe Brother's mood right now. --->
<-- Little girls always seem to have
something to whisper in Daddy's ear.
And brothers always like to play. --->
<-- Mom is showing the kids the big water dish.
Brother is thinking about it, but isn't that
sure, just yet. -->
<-- Meal time is one thing these kids
take seriously.
Nice family picture. Don't get those very
often. --->
<-- Supper is over and Mom helps
Coco with the dishes.
When the dishes are done, it's play time. ---> |
<-- Li'l Bit finds a toy that is
smaller than she is.
While Brother has a little "man talk"
with Dad. ---> |
<-- I have no idea what this
conversation is about.
Brother is enjoying the warmth of the fire. ---> |
<-- A little "between meals
There is always something about puppies and
tennis balls. ---> |
<-- Coco is the first one who made it
this far up on the steps to the deck.
Her brothers and sisters can only look on in
admiration. ---> |
<-- Looks like Brother has been helping
Mommy dig. Either that, or some Georgia clay fell out of the sky and
on his nose.
At least Li'l Bit is taller than the step, but
not by much. ---> |
<-- Not surprisingly, Coco was the first
one to make it all the way to the top of the deck. It has its
rewards -- like being able to hang out with the adults, . . .
Or, to have a little private time with Daddy. ---> |
10/21/02 -- The kids are six weeks old! Hard
to believe already, huh? Took them to the vet today for their puppy
shots. They were weighed while they were there:
Coco = 3 lb,
12 oz. Li'l
Bit = 2 lb. 4 oz. Black Girl =
3 lb, 12 oz.
Black Boy #1 = 3 lb, 8 oz. Black Boy #2 =
3 lb, 8 oz. |